Cottage cyber security: How to stay secure while chilling by the lake

Cabin, camp, summer home, chalet… Whatever you call it in your part of Canada, we can all agree that there’s something special about going to a cottage in the summer. The smell of the forest, the sound of the wildlife, the feel of the lake – it’s a perfect place to get away from your busy day-to-day lives.

Unfortunately, it also probably means that cyber security isn’t always top of mind when you’re out getting away from it all.

Your cottage might have Wi-Fi or you may be bringing devices with you, which could leave you vulnerable to attacks from cyber criminals who aren’t afraid to venture off the beaten path to target their victims.

Here’s how you can help keep your cottage cyber secure.

Update any devices that live at the cottagea person in a hammock with a laptop and a phone, and happy-face emojis

Software updates are essential for our devices, and that’s no different at the cottage.

The problem, though, is that the first thing most of us think when we arrive at the cottage is, “Let’s go for a swim!” or “Which book should I read?” – not “Let’s go update our devices.”

But performing system and application updates do more than just give us new features. They’re actually really important for cyber security and can include fixes for security issues.

Because you don’t use your cottage as your main residence, you need to take advantage of the opportunities whenever they present themselves to update your software.

The next time you are at the cottage, make sure that you update any devices you have there – from desktop computers or tablets to smart speakers or lightbulbs.

Protect your Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is a relatively recent addition to the cottage lifestyle. That makes your Wi-Fi network easy to forget when figuring out what you need to do to stay cyber secure.

If your Wi-Fi network is not protected with a passphrase or password, you are vulnerable to cyber criminals who could access your Internet connection to take control of your devices, access your passwords and even conduct criminal activities on your network. The good news is that securing your Wi-Fi is relatively straightforward, so you don’t need to take too much time away from relaxing by the cottage to protect yourself.

The best place to start is to create a passphrase or complex password for your Wi-Fi network.

Expecting visitors? You can further protect yourself by creating a separate network for your cottage guests (because part of owning a cottage is getting frequent visits from friends and family, right?).

Adopt phone hotspot safety

Not all cottages have access to reliable internet. This means that you might be using your phone as a “hotspot” to use your laptop or other device.

But if you don’t secure your hotspot properly, you could be giving cyber criminals free internet access – leaving you with a big phone bill to pay.

Be sure to take the proper steps before you log on to ensure no one else can access your mobile hotspot.

Be careful when using Wi-Fi at a rental

It’s not just about being cyber secure at your own cottage. Canadians – particularly those who don’t have their own cottage – will frequently enjoy cottage weekends away by renting from others.

One area to be careful about when renting, though, is Wi-Fi.

Using Wi-Fi networks other than your own can present a lot of cyber security pitfalls.

Unsecured private Wi-Fi, for example, could be a trap from a cyber criminal hoping to steal your information.

Alternatively, cyber criminals can set up “evil twin” networks. These are designed to look legitimate but are in fact attempts to steal your personal and financial data.

The best way to stay safe? Avoid doing important personal tasks while using Wi-Fi other than your own. This includes personal banking, credit card transactions and anything involving personal information.

It’s the only way to ensure you stay secure while enjoying a weekend away at a cottage rental.


We get it: No one goes to the cottage to spend time updating devices and securing networks. You want to go to relax and unplug!

But by investing a little time in securing your cottage against cyber criminals, you can rest that much easier knowing you’re secure – both at the cottage and away from it.


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