Come one, come all, and gather around the gram’ for the tale of when Santa fell for a phishing scam.
Santa was at home, Mrs. Claus by his side, peacefully reading the Get Cyber Safe gift guide.

Mrs. Claus always took time to get cyber safe, and tried to tell Santa, “You should too, just in case!” it happened one time, on a cold Christmas night, an email from “Rdolph_Rednse” gave Santa quite the fright.

As Get Cyber Safe carols played in their ears, on the same computer Santa had been using for years,
“Download this now, or else we’re in trouble.” is what Santa read, and clicked on the double.

He should have listened to old Mrs. Claus: “If an email seems off, take a moment and pause.
Remember I told you about those Get Cyber Safe resources? They help prevent cyber crimes, scams and hoaxes.”

But Santa was rushed, and Christmas was near, “Internet scams”, he thought, “what’s there to fear?”
When he clicked on the link, his computer went down, “Oh no” said Santa, his face with a frown.
“My naughty and nice list is gone forever!”

“Come now” said Mrs. Claus, “never say never!”
The computer turned back on, and Santa said with delight, “It’s a Christmas miracle! We’re so lucky tonight!”
But it wasn’t luck at all that saved Christmas this way. It was Mrs. Claus’s back-up files she saved earlier that day.
So don’t be like Santa, letting phishing scams chafe!
Happy holidays to all and Get Cyber Safe!

Alternative format: Santa got hacked (PDF, 4.4 MB)