There are a lot of ways to express your love. Love languages include acts of service, quality time, physical touch, receiving gifts and words of affirmation. We want to help you understand yours, not just so you can better communicate with that special someone, but also so you can be more cyber safe.
Take the quiz below to find out what your love language is and how you can apply it to improve your cyber security habits.
Start here
1. Do you tell everyone about your love life, or do you prefer to keep it as secret as your passwords?
- Yes, I yell it from the rooftops
- Go to question 2
- No, I keep it a secret
- Go to question 3
2. Do you think the key to love (and creating a strong passphrase) is a lot of sweet nothings?
- Yes, say something romantic! (Words of affirmation)
- No, I’m not one for words
- Go to question 4
3. Are you someone who craves security in a relationship – just like the added protection that multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides to your accounts?
- Yes! Nothing is more important than feeling secure
- Go to question 5
- No, I don’t mind taking risks (when it comes to love)
- Go to question 6
4. Is your love life so mysterious that your friends might describe it as being encrypted?
- (Yes) Wouldn’t you like to know?
- Go to question 6
- No, I prefer to express my love spending time together publicly (Quality time)
5. Even your devices need physical touch to work. Do you hold your loved one as much as you hold your gadgets?
- No! I prefer to love from afar
- Go to question 7
- Yes! I would actually love a hug right now (Physical touch)
6. Does the idea of a surprise (like an unexpected email) make your heart race?
- Yes! Feeling nerves (not butterflies)
- Go to question 8
- No – but my guard is up
- Go to question 9
7. Do you love romantic gestures (including acts of heroism like forwarding spam messages to 7726 – which can help protect all Canadians from spam)?
- No! On second thought, I would prefer a hug (Physical touch)
- Yes, I do love a hero (Acts of service)
8. Do you believe that love, much like software updates, waits for no one?
- Yes, I always act as soon as I can! (Acts of service)
- No, love takes time, effort and boxes of chocolate (Receiving gifts)
9. When it comes to love, is consistency (like your anti-virus software scanning your device at the same time every day) important to you?
- Yes! I love routine (Quality time)
- No, I prefer spontaneity (I use tools like a VPN so I can find a “connection” anywhere) (Receiving gifts)
Your result
Physical touch
For you, romance is a warm hug. When it comes to your devices and showing affection, a quick tap, a fingerprint scan or even a code sent to your device can go a long way. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the best way to express your love and protect your accounts and devices with an added layer of security.
Acts of service
You show you care with thoughtful actions – like installing a VPN, downloading anti-virus software or configuring a firewall to protect what you love most. You can show your devices you care by being cautious when you connect to public Wi-Fi . Never click on suspicious links and being careful about what you download . So romantic.
Receiving gifts
You express your love through the art of gift-giving. While a thoughtful present is enough to make most people melt, you might want to be wary about “free gifts” in suspicious or unexpected emails. Knowing how to spot the signs of a phishing scam is the best way to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Quality time
For you, love means spending meaningful, uninterrupted time together. When it comes to your devices, there’s no better way to experience that than when you’re running software u pdates. Your device will run smoother, you’ll get the latest security patches and if you’re feeling bold, you can stare longingly into each other’s eyes (or screens) while you update your systems.
Words of affirmation
You love to give and receive heartfelt compliments – and so do your devices in the form of strong, unique passphrases. Go ahead and write a four-word love letter to your gadgets. Bonus points if it’s long, poetic and too complex for cyber criminals to solve. Nothing says, “I love you” quite like “StunningConnectionElectricityRomance.”