Multi-factor authentication

Adding an extra layer of security to your accounts can keep your information safe.


Your password could use a backup plan

Passwords are an important part of keeping your information safe, but even the strongest password PasswordCombination of letters and numbers you select to secure an account or device. can’t be 100% foolproof.

Multi-factor authentication Multi-factor authenticationA tactic that can add an additional layer of security to your devices and account. Multi-factor authentication requires additional verification (like a PIN or fingerprint) to access your devices or accounts. Two-factor authentication is a type of multi-factor authentication. (MFA) adds an extra step to the login process and an extra layer of security to your accounts and devices. That way, if a cyber criminal ever gets your password, there’s another defence in place to stop them.

Strengthen your security

"a shrugging emoji with pointing fingers and cursor arrows"

Make cyber security all about you

Multi-factor authentication is more secure because it focuses on things that are unique to you:

  • What you know: A PIN, password or security question
  • What you have: Your phone or a fob
  • What you are: Your fingerprint, your face, your eyes or your voice

The more personalized your security measures are, the harder they will be for someone else to bypass. Learn more about the different types of multi-factor authentication.

"a fingerprint, hand-shaped cursors, a dialogue bubble and update circles"

Enable multi-factor authentication whenever possible

Most social media Social mediaInternet-based tools that allow people to listen, interact, engage, and collaborate with each other. Popular social media platforms include Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter. sites and many devices offer the option to use multi-factor authentication in their security settings. Whenever a website, app or device allows you to enable MFA, click yes!


How to ensure your accounts are secure

How to ensure your accounts are secure

Here are some simple steps you can take to make sure you’re maximizing your account security.

Multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication

Passwords and passphrases are important security measures, but they’re not the only ones. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an extra layer of security catered to you, so only you can access private information and accounts.

Video: Two factor authentication

Video: Two factor authentication

A holiday song that also explains the importance of using multi-factor authentication to your overall cyber security.



Read up on the latest cyber threats and tips for keeping yourself, your family and your business cyber safe.



Visual learner? Check these out for tips and tricks to keep yourself, your family and your business secure from cyber threats.

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Become a Get Cyber Safe champion to help improve internet security for yourself, your organization, and all Canadians.

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