Get Cyber Safe Challenge Worksheet

  • Transcript

    Congrats on joining the Get Cyber Safe challenge! Learning how to get cyber secure can feel like a lot of work when you're getting started - which is why we broke it down into 12 byte sized steps that anyone can tackle in four weeks.

    Whether you're challenging yourself, your friends or your family to get cyber safe, you can use the checklist below to track your progress.

    If a step feels too overwhelming, start small! Do what you can to #GetCyberSafe!

    Week 1: Strong passphrases

    • Step 1: Create a strong passphrase
    • Step 2: Make sure all your accounts use a strong and unique passphrase
    • Step 3: Use a password manager

    Week 2: Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

    • Step 4: Make a list of your most important accounts
    • Step 5: Decide what authentication factors work best for you
    • Step 6: Enable multi-factor authentication

    Week 3: System updates

    • Step 7: Update all your devices
    • Step 8: Turn on automatic updates
    • Step 9: Uninstall unused applications and software

    Week 4: Securing home Wi-Fi

    • Step 10: Change your router’s default password
    • Step 11: Create a guest network
    • Step 12: Move your router to a secure location

    Catalogue Number: D96-42/2021E-PDF | ISBN: 978-0-660-39111-3

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